Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Silent Blogger: Updates

People are still saying 'Happy New year' right?

If so, then here is a very, very unbelievably belated Happy New Year to the folks who are still coming across this page. :D

I guess I should address the elephant in the room: why I'm back...

It's been playing on my mind for a while ...like for 4 years as that was the last time I posted something. Hehe sorry about that!
I figured that you either get busy doing or get busy dying - I think that's the saying. I'm not after awards, accolades or attention, I'm here because I'm a silent rambler. I have something to say and writing helps me to get out the words I'm too afraid to say out loud.


I have updates on my life. As this is a personal blog, I think you should know what I've been up to in the past 4 years if you wanna know I guess... ;)

Uni: So as I mentioned in previous blog posts I was feeling quite confused about university and the life I had created for myself. Long story short, I left the following year. It was a hard decision but I was really unhappy, like really unhappy. It didn't feel like I was progressing forward with my life so I decided to take a gap year (by that time I was in employment) and never returned. No regrets.
There will be a more detailed blog post on this in the near future.

Work: I'm currently in full time employment at a university in London (ironic, no?)...have been so for almost two years now. Yikes! It has been my longest running job to date and I feel hella grown up, however I'm the youngest in my department sooo yeah.

Home life: In the year I decided to leave uni for good I also moved out of my family home. That one wasn't such a huge decision to make. When being in a negative situation starts to physically affect your health then you gotta get out right? I've been moving around quite a bit but not fully settled yet, however I'm happy, so all is well.

Love life: Haha! Doesn't exist.

I promise this is not some random annual post, I will stick around this time. There's no scheduled time for the posts it's just going to be as and when I can, so watch this space! - I'm happy that I have now applied that phrase into a sentence. :D


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