Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Committed Me

Helloo! *George Takei's voice*

This is just a quick update into the very uninteresting life of yours truly!
However things have just got interesting as I've decided to do a sponsored skydive next month to raise money for Stand Up 2 Cancer, which is a charity created by the media (believe it or not) to aid Cancer Research.
My mother passed away from breast cancer almost four years ago, I almost lost an aunt (who was also a very close friend to my mum) to cancer and unfortunately I've had two friends who have lost one of their parents to cancer. So as you can see cancer has become far too familiar and comfortable with humanity. Let's face it, it scares the shit out of you doesn't it?

I always believed that fear was a state of mind, its all in your head. I still do, but if you asked me what my fears were you'd probably want to place my head on your shoulder and pat it sympathetically or you'd just slap me. Either way I can admit that I have some pretty irrational fears, however my fear of cancer seems somewhat rational, but it shouldn't right? Not for me, or you or anyone!

So these past couple of weeks, those were the thoughts that were racing through my head and I thought why not play tit for tat with cancer. Confront one of my biggest fears in order to challenge the other, at first the plan was to touch a spider but I'd rather be dead, and cremated, before that happens. So like any sane human being I went for bigger! Heights scare me, what's more death defying and terrifying than free falling from a plane whilst being 10.000 ft up in the air? Touching spiders that's what!

So that's what it is my dear reader, I'm going to literally take a leap of faith (a giant one at that) to raise money, to defeat my fear of heights, to challenge the odds of cancer, to make my mama proud, to make my sisters never forget, to give something back to the woman who raised my sisters and I for 15 years before she took her rightful place in heaven.

Wish me luck!

I welcome everyone's support and donations so please feel free to check my page (listed below) and donate as much (or as little) as you can!

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

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