Friday, September 28, 2012

So this blogging thing ... How does it work? Lol!

Where do I start?
A silent rambler would come off as an oxymoron ... wouldn't it? Well kinda! I guess i should introduce myself, starting with the most obvious being my name: Chanel :)
I'm 19 and born and bred in Landaan, however currently "studying" in Hull uni.
I do realise that this is not so very interesting for my first blog but that's what it is, my first blog.

So if you find yourself losing interest, feel free to leave or return a couple of blogs later when i become an established blogger!
I had so much i wanted to say before! I used to be a writer, loved writing poems, stories, a little screen play at one point. Then my mother passed and i just refused to write, my way of punishing the world i guess (yes, i was slightly big headed) but i shall leave that story for another post.
However i can say that the irony in that little story is that by refusing to write i was punishing myself, I was never much of a talker so writing was my "thing" but once i stopped writing, its like i stopped speaking.
Hence the reason for the name: A Silent Rambler! That, people, is what i am, a silent rambler. I will own that with pride!

I believe confused would be the best adjective to use on me, why, you may wonder, but for those who do know me they would see me as indecisive. Indecisive people are generally confused human beings. Like any other person i feel to question everything, why this? Why that? Why us? That's what Galileo was mainly about as a philosopher, questioning life. So I decided to adopt that type of thought processing. Is it healthy? Probably not. Do I question God as a result? Chances are i probably am.
My main point here is, I'm a firm believer of life, there is a reason behind life, there is a reason behind me sitting here in my uni accommodation writing a random blog and theres a reason behind the unlucky soul who had the misfortune of reading it up to this point. My question here is why? Is there a psychological process behind it all? Are we really free as humans? Think about it. We create limitations for ourselves and although its well and good knowing that you can 'be whatever you to be' and 'live the life you love and love the life you live'. Can we really? Is it really an individual that can limit what you want to do or is it life itself that limits what you can do?

Your social status will always come with limitations that are imposed by society, by the world, by the way of life. An individual or better yet a group of individuals can not stop you from doing what you want to do, all they can do is offer you encouragement and that comes in two forms: the good kind and the bad kind.
Whether you choose to listen ... well thats your choice but doesn't it all just confuse you? :)

I'm a thinker and everything that has been done in this little world of ours, it all starts with a state of mind.

I like that picture :)

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